Gaming is booming. A billion players worldwide regularly dive into virtual worlds, on the PC, on the console, on the mobile phone. They want to Solve This After Reading Guide for games and enjoy virtual games.
Gaming business offers fun games
Gaming is fun, says psychology. For one player, fun means competing in competitions. For another, it means spending time with friends.
Gaming business: What do you enjoy playing?
Action: Have fun with destruction and chaos, let off steam, let out the inner child, sometimes far removed from common norms and values. Example: Grand Theft Auto 5
Social: Playing together comes first. You can win together, lose together, and exchange ideas about what you have experienced together. Example: Rainbow Six Siege
Mastering: The brain has to smoke, every decision has to be carefully considered, always with the goal in mind. Example: Starcraft II
Reach: Collecting everything, the rarer the better, is the motivation for this type of player. Example: World of Warcraft
Immersion: Diving into stories, slipping into strange skin also motivates many players to reach for the controller. Example: The Witcher 3
Creativity: Creating your own worlds or adding to existing ones, changing them is also a great motivation for many players. Example: Minecraft.
Gaming business: Reasons why video games are fun
Playing is a distraction for philosophy. The roots of this idea go back to the 17th century, wrote the philosopher Blaise Pascal. For Pascal, there were two ways to cope with problems. These are turning to God, into prayer, or fleeing into distraction, into fun distractions. Playing is therefore hunting: Always on the hunt for the next prey, the next reward, the next game.
Playing means increasing your performance. To finally say it all at once, people only play if they are within full meaning of the term human. They are only fully human when they play. This long, very long quote comes from Friedrich Schiller, who deals with human education. Schiller saw the game as the ideal opportunity for people to show who they really are, to show who they really are, to forget everything around them. In working life, the full power of the games unfolds here. You forget small wars in the office, forget silos, forget differences of opinion, you play together and you work together.