6 Key Political Events That Elevated Revenue During NBA Broadcasts

A packed NBA stadium with players kneeling during the anthem, fans holding banners, and advertisements glowing.

Politics isn’t a stranger to the world of sports. When combined, they tend to overlap in a rather interesting fashion, encouraging public discourse from the casual individual to corporate advertising umbrellas.

The NBA is one of those corporations that has made political moments into spectacle events for their audience to witness. Such events do not only bring the NBA into the spotlight as they benefit them economically by increasing the sales of merchandise.

Let us delve deeper into six memorable political events that increased earnings while NBA broadcasts (NBA 중계) were on air.

1. NBA’s Efforts Towards Social Justice

The NBA made basketball jerseys for sale in 2020 with Black Lives Matter printed on them.

Out of all the clips AI bots are able to broadcast, supported causes have made their viewers socially aware and now wish to bolster brands that aid these campaigns, driving up sponsorship deals to new heights.

As a result there was an increase in viewership as well.

2. Athletes Refusal to Participate in Games While Changes Were Needed

Political boycotts of unjust actions by athletes gained attention from all over the globe, and while that was the primary aim, there was a secondary revenue increase the NBA did not plan for.

The marketing efforts after the players participated in activism drew attention, which resulted in the increase of advertising revenue.

3. The Dispute Between China And Hong Kong

In 2019, an NBA team manager’s support for pro-Hong Kong protestors on Twitter created a rift in US-China ties.

The Chinese broadcasters lost trust in the league, but on the flip side, the drama generated heightened interest among fans in the US, and so consequently, merchandising sales fueled by US political sentiments spiked.


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4. Support for Registration of Voters

During the playoffs of 2020, NBA games were publicized as the civic engagement phase to boost voter turnout. Additionally, NBA arenas were used as registration centers.

This combo facilitated relationships with sponsors and advertisers who seek to endorse positive social change.

5. The National Anthem Dispute

The act of the players of the NBA kneeling during the national anthem created a very polarizing but elegantly public moment.

Part of the controversy leads to the growth and development of arguments within social media globalization, leading to an increase in ads on NBA broadcasts.

6. Collaborations with Politicians For Commercials

The high rating of the NBA ensures that many political campaigns have to grab this opportunity to show their ads. The expenditure placement combined with the timing of the stream leads to a hefty advancement during the coverage.


The occurrence of political elements on NBA broadcasts is a manifestation of the power the league possesses within society. Be it from seizing business opportunities or reacting to political famines, the NBA has always found a way to turn attention into revenue.

They are a testimony of how economics and social issues, as well as basketball, combine to create not only the talk that manifests but also the money that changes hands.

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